Chris Ashenden

Chris Ashenden


Chris Ashenden is about personal growth, living outside the box, and enjoying a spectacular life. An avid traveler like many Kiwis, and from a family of travelers, he had been to 43 countries before his 13th birthday.

Travel bug firmly ingrained, he decided to retire in 2005 to spend 4 years traveling the planet full time and in his own words “explore, have a few adventures, grow, and go wife-hunting”.

Now 33 and with a ton of friends in crazy places, 60 plus countries under the belt, and some amazing memories, (but no wife), he is loosely based in Miami Beach, Florida.

He enjoys ticking through his list of life goals and meeting new people and right now is trying to decide between summering in New York City or Miami, Florida.

A former athlete with a passion for contact sports, he eats a lot.